Meet the MTP Staff

Cody Lee - Co-Founder
Cody is a senior at DBU earning a degree in Music Business. He is interested in the many fields of the music industry, but ultimately desires to work directly with musical artists. He is a proud redhead, avid geocacher, and an aspiring musician and filmmaker.
Likes: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cloud Cult, Explosions in the Sky, Radiohead, Johnny Cash.


Josh Reichert
Josh is a sophomore at Dallas Baptist University, and is pursuing a degree majoring in Music Business. He's got a sweet ride.


Carissa Evenden
Carissa is a junior music business major at Dallas Baptist University. She has no idea what she specifically wants to do in the music industry, but thinks that working in live music is probably the safest route considering all the recent changes. Carissa has a Mountain Dew addiction and will love you forever if you give her one. 
Likes: Five Iron Frenzy, Project 86, Showbread, Fleet Foxes, Mutemath.